کانال تلگرام رسمی اخبار تلگرام Telegram News @telegram

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 مشاهده مطالب کانال Telegram News

توجه: کلیه محتوای این سایت توسط کاربران و کانال های تلگرام درج شده است و سایت هرچیز هیچ مسئولیتی نسبت به آن ها ندارد

Disappearing content is now available for all private chats on Telegram. With version 4.2 of our mobile apps, you can set a self-destruct timer for any photos and videos you share in private chats.

We've also completely redesigned the photo editor, added an option to add a bio to your profile, and laid the groundwork for increasing download speeds for popular media in massive channels.

Read more about version 4.2 on our blog:

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